_ _ __ __ _ ___ __ _| | | '_ \ / _` / __|/ _` | | | |_) | (_| \__ \ (_| | | | .__/ \__, |___/\__, |_| |_| |___/ |_|
Description¶ ↑
A PostgreSQL library that was carefully designed.
Features¶ ↑
Connection parameters from hash
Query parameters
Asynchronous queries
Quick query of single lines or values
Full PostgreSQL quoting support
Built-in transactions and savepoints by Ruby blocks
Example¶ ↑
Write something like this:
require "pgsql" Pg::Conn.open :dbname => "test1", :user => "jdoe" do |conn| conn.exec "select * from mytable;" do |result| result.each { |row| l = row.join ", " ... } end cmd = <<-ENDSQL select * from mytable where num=$1::integer; ENDSQL conn.query cmd, 42 do |row| l = row.join ", " ... end ... end
Thanks¶ ↑
In the remembrance of Guy Decoux.